come build the future of care

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GoDocta - team Work

"Healthcare that fails to see the patient as the whole person (body, mind and spirit) in its natural environment, well...has only treated one fraction of all that makes us human. That is why we are building GoDocta!"

What Drives Us

Anyone can build a telemedicine platform; it’s as easy as connecting with a patient via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet. Now, while we might agree that many medical conditions can be adequately and even accurately diagnosed via this simple interaction; as Medical Doctors ourselves, we know that our patients deserve so much more.

Healthcare that simply chases after symptoms and fails to see the patient as the whole person (body, mind and spirit) in its natural environment – well…has only treated one fraction of all that makes us human. This is why we are building GoDocta! A community of healthcare experts linked to each other and to their patients via cutting edge technology to provide holistic care.

The current healthcare system, especially in developing markets around the world is very fragmented and so too is patient care.  With so many gaps in the process for accessing care, it should come as no surprise that so many of our patients slip through, often at the cost of their own lives or livelihoods. We need to do better! The knowledge and the technology are all out there; let’s connect them together, let’s make healthcare seamless, truly patient-focused, easy to navigate and affordable – let’s build the future of care together!

Tell us about you
Tell us about you in 3 lines and why what we are working on matters to you